Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) - updated

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Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) are available for selected BlueScope products including new EPDs for products in the COLORBOND® steel range, ZINCALUME® steel, TRUECORE® steel, DECKFORM® steel, GALVASPAN® steel and GALVABOND® steel.

BlueScope's EPDs are expressions of our strong commitment to environmental transparency and reflect BlueScope’s focus on product stewardship and broader commitment to sustainability. Unlike industry-average EPDs, all BlueScope's EPDs provide information that is specific to our products, so you have the confidence of knowing the results are representative of the product you have specified.

BlueScope EPDs

EPDs are available to download for the following BlueScope products:

What is an EPD?

An Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) is a third-party verified and registered document that communicates transparent data and other relevant environmental information about the life-cycle environmental impacts of a product.

BlueScope’s EPDs are published in line with EN 15804:2012+A2:2019 and are third party verified to be compliant with International Standard ISO 14025 and the best practice European Standard EN 15804. They provide BlueScope’s customers and other interested stakeholders with specific and accurate information about the products including environmental performance information from cradle to grave, carbon footprint data and a wide range of environmental metrics, such as water, energy and waste.

How do I use an EPD?

BlueScope EPDs can be used to help support whole of life assessments for end uses such as buildings, infrastructure and their components, as well as everyday materials. Using EPDs in the context of a life cycle assessment (LCA) for a whole structure or development can help enable better environmental optimisation in the built environment by providing transparent information about the environmental impact of a product.

Some of our EPDs now include information about the rollforming process (including COLORBOND® steel for roofing and walling, COLORBOND® Coolmax® steel, COLORBOND® steel in a Metallic finish, COLORBOND® Ultra steel, ZINCALUME® steel, and TRUECORE® steel). This addition to our EPDs is consistent with the industry's growing need for increased transparency and provides indicative results for the final formed product.3

Use of EPDs in rating tools

EPDs may help to earn points for Green Star, the Infrastructure Sustainability (IS) Rating and other leading green building rating schemes. Please refer to our article, Green Building rating tools and schemes, for more information on how specifying BlueScope products may help increase points for your project.

  1. At select base metal thicknesses (BMTs). Please refer to the corresponding EPD for the full details of the products covered
  2. At zinc coating classes Z100, Z200 and Z275 and select base metal thicknesses (BMTs). Please refer to the GALVABOND® steel EPD for the full details of the products covered.
  3. The rollforming results may not be representative of the final formed product from any particular rollforming operation, company or site. Please refer to the relevant EPD for further detail.

Further information



BlueScope - Updated 14 August 2023

Trademark Acknowledgements

COLORBOND®, DECKFORM®, GALVABOND®, GALVASPAN®, TRUECORE®, ZINCALUME®, Coolmax®, Intramax®, XLERPLATE® and BlueScope® are registered trademarks of BlueScope Steel Limited, ABN 16 000 011 058.

Register your Interest - EPDs

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