The $350 million redevelopment of the Adelaide Convention Centre in South Australia is set to boost the state’s economy by more than $1.92 billion over 25 years, elevating Adelaide as a true competitor on the global conferencing and exhibition stage.
Used in this project
- Products
- Fielders KingFlor® KF70®
- Materials
- DECKFORM® steel

The project
With Stage 1 completed in 2014, stage 2 of the centre’s redevelopment is currently in progress which replaces the original Plenary Building constructed in 1987. When complete in 2017, the facility will boast a capacity increase of 3,500 seats with state-of-the-art, world-class convention and exhibition space.
Fielders were contracted by Lend Lease and Mitcon to supply over 6,000m2 of KingFlor® KF70® steel flooring throughout the development.
The solution
KingFlor® KF70® was chosen for this project due to its longer spanning capability as compared to other steel decks on the market. KF70®’s unique design with wider coverage will not only save on preparatory costs, but also mean that the laying of the floor will overall be executed faster.
The process
The supply of KF70® at the Adelaide Convention Centre commenced in September 2015 with an estimated supply completion date of March 2016. The entire development is due to be completed and open for business in June 2017.
Project specifics
- Total of 6,000m2 of KingFlor® KF70®
- 5m sheet lengths
- Steel grade: G550
KingFlor KF70
Fielders KingFlor is a revolutionary steel formwork solution ideal for complete concrete slabs in concrete and steel framed construction over lengthy spans. With a longer span and deeper profile than existing formwork systems on the market, KF70 is one of the most cost-effective solutions.
Project uses include commercial buildings, shopping centres, multi-storey buildings, multilevel carparks, and residential construction.