Metroll is proud to be involved with supply of materials to the full roof replacement and partial renovation at the Ausco Modular Brisbane manufacturing site.
Used in this project
- Products
- Metroll Trimclad®
- Metroll Standard Purlins & Girts
- Materials
- COLORBOND® steel - Classic finish
- ZINCALUME® steel
- GALVASPAN® steel
- Colours

Ausco Modular is one of Australia's largest construction companies using modular technology.
Ausco are part of the world's largest modular solutions group, Algeco Scotsman, whose global reach and R&D capability is leading the industry on the world's stage.
A full roof replacement and partial renovation was undertaken at the Brisbane manufacturing site.
Metroll is proud to be involved with supply of materials to this project and worked closely with the roofing contractor to ensure the project ran smoothly.
14,000m2 Trimclad® made from ZINCALUME® steel & COLORBOND® steel.
Purlins & Girts:
Cee & Zed purlins, & accessories made from GALVASPAN® steel
'Can-Do' Credentials
100% Delivered On Time In Full
- Very long lengths successfully delivered, up to 29m
- Pilot deliveries out of hours
- Metroll staff on site at 4am to ensure road and site access for over length delivery
- Use of rear steer trailer to gain access
- Roofing packed in accordance with client's requirements