MAC Nail Strip is an innovative concealed fix panel system with a vast range of design applications for roofing and wall cladding in residential and commercial projects. Installation is simple and quick with no need for seaming tools. The adjustable recessed pans and thin ribs lend themselves to a range of effects through a combination of light and shadow to produce a dynamic visual impact.

Available in  25mm and 38mm rib height and custom pan widths, with lengths of up to 8 metres. MAC Nail Strip is available in a wide range of materials and colours including COLORBOND® steel in Classic and Matt finishes and COLORBOND® Ultra steel.

Dimensions and specification details vary between States.

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Metroll MAC Nailstrip

Contact Metroll

Product detail

Product availability is indicative, contact Metroll directly to confirm availability.
Cover Width

Cover widths vary between States, please refer to the brochure.

Rib Height
25mm, 38mm
Min Roof Pitch
3 degrees
Only applies to roofing applications.
Profile dimensions

Material Choices

Materials Gauges
Please check with Metroll for other available materials.


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